Audience Retargeting


USD $ 30.00


Reach your audience across their preferred channels
Leverage HIMSS Media’s first party data as we drive reach and frequency for your digital campaign by targeting visitors after they leave the site. Cost-effective, highly targeted.

Retargeting Advantages
- Increases the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
- Builds brand awareness and brand recall.
- Gives you a second, third, and fourth chance to make a first impression.
- Drives customer conversions.

Digital Advertising Opportunities

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this photo. However, no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect to this photo. If the location of building columns, utilities or other architectural components of the facility is a consideration in the construction or usage of a graphic element it is the sole responsibility of the client to physically inspect the facility to verify all dimensions and locations. It is the responsibility of the client to get written permission from the Center for any public concourse space to be utilized for sponsorships or advertising.