HIMSS19 Opening Keynote Sponsorship - Opportunity #3


USD $ 25,000.00

USD $ 27,500.00


  • Invitation for two senior staff to attend the HIMSS Board of Directors meet and greet with Keynote Speaker (if held)
  • 20 reserved seats (must be registered for HIMSS Global Conference to attend)
  • HIMSS-approved sponsor ad on walk in slide (one dedicated slide per keynote sponsorship) to include company booth number, logo and company name
  • Logo displayed outside ballroom
  • Sponsor recognition by coffee/snack station(s) outside of the Keynote ballroom
    • New for HIMSS19! Coffee service and granola bars will be available complimentary to attendees outside of the Keynote ballroom. 
  • HIMSS Conference Supporter (Logo listed on conference website with hyperlink to your home page, logo in various HIMSS marketing materials [pocket, resource guide etc.], logo displayed in prominent areas on-site
  • Exhibitor Priority Points - 9
  • Full Conference badges - 3
  • Client/Exhibitor Badges - 7 (You Determine The Mix)
HIMSS member Price - $25,000
Non Member Price - $27,500
*Additional fees may apply - please contact salesinfo@himss.org for more information. 

GL Code – 401300-1030 (HIMSS Internal Use)

HIMSS19 Keynote Sponsorship Opportunities

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