Contact Freeman
Linda Pilgrim, CEM
P: 801-773-7314
Shipping Deadline
Date, 2019
All exhibitor supplied sponsorship items must be received in advance and sent to the Freeman warehouse.
Contact Linda Pilgrim at Freeman for your label. Late charges will be applied to all exhibitor supplied graphics received after the deadline.
The Deadline to Submit Graphics
Date, 2019
If graphics are submitted after this date, additional production fees will be incurred.
How to
Submit Graphics
Our desire is to provide you with the best
possible quality graphics for your sponsorship item. You can help us in that
effort by providing digital graphics that meet minimum requirements. To
download a pdf file that gives complete customer guidelines for submitting
graphics artwork, Click Here.
Upload Your
Graphics to the Freeman FTP site
The Freeman FTP site is a convenient, short-term process for transmitting large
files. The FTP site requires a User ID and password which changes each month.
Please contact NAME for this information.
The Freeman Graphics Artwork Submission Guidelines also gives instructions on how to use the FTP site on page 9, Click Here. This is the FTP site link: