USD $ 2,750.00
La resistencia a los herbicidas, junto con la falta de desarrollo de nuevos principios activos yun llamado a medidas políticas para restringir el uso de pesticidas, ha aumentado lacomplejidad del manejo de malezas. El manejo integrado de malezas (MIM) es unaherramienta fundamental para los superintendentes de campos de golf que puedeproporcionar soluciones a las crecientes problematicas sociales, ambientales y políticasimpuestas a la industria. Sin embargo, la adopción generalizada del MIM está limitada porlagunas de conocimiento, desempeño inconsistente de prácticas culturales y desafíos deadopción. Este seminario proporcionará una visión general de las malezas másproblemáticas que afectan a los campos de golf, incluyendo sus características generales,opciones de control y resistencia registrada a herbicidas. Los participantes aprenderánsobre prácticas de control preventivas, culturales, mecánicas, genéticas y químicas para unmanejo efectivo de malezas, incluyendo una actualización sobre nuevos productosherbicidas y protectores en el mercado. Se abordarán los beneficios y desventajas deprácticas culturales, como el fraise mowing. Como resultado, los superintendentes decampos de golf podrán tomar decisiones informadas sobre el control de malezas y elmanejo de la resistencia. Herbicide resistance coupled with a lack of new active ingredient development, and a call for policy measures to restrict pesticide use have increased the complexity of weed management. Integrated weed management (IWM) is a fundamental tool for golf course superintendents that can provide solutions to the growing social, environmental, and political demands placed on the industry. However, widespread adoption of IWM is limited by knowledge gaps, inconsistent performance of cultural practices, and adoption challenges. This seminar will provide an overview of the most problematic weeds affecting golf courses including general characteristics, herbicide options, and recorded herbicide resistance. Participants will learn about preventative, cultural, mechanical, biological, genetic, and chemical control practices for effective weed management including an update on new herbicide products and safeness in the market. The tradeoff of cultural practices such as fraise mowing will be addressed. As a result, golf course superintendents will be able to make informed decisions about weed control and resistance management.
Speaker 1: Pablo Boeri
Speaker 2: Manuel Chavarria
2 hour Seminar
Education is the cornerstone of the 2025 GCSAA Conference. As the largest education conference in the industry, you’ll be sponsoring in-person education in San Diego, California, with a lineup featuring seminars, Power Hours and multiple tracks of specialized education.
Recognition Elements:
• Conference website. “Presented in partnership with COMPANY NAME" recognition on seminar description page
• Logo included on digital signage placed at the end of each education hall.
• Listing of all seminar education sponsors on website.
• Logo on walk-in slide of power-point presentation in meeting room.
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