USD $ 2,750.00
USD $ 2,750.00
Water-related challenges present a threat to golf courses across the U.S. as a function ofincreasingly unpredictable weather coupled with growing public scrutiny of golf course impacts onwater quality and quantity alike. Good planning & preparation are essential to optimize water-useefficiency & prepare for extreme weather events including drought or heavy rainfall events that maylead to flooding. This seminar presents national trends related to changing weather, as well as anoverview of BMPs & resources available to support you in being proactive and prepared. Emphasisis placed on water budgeting, considerations for irrigation infrastructure, turfgrass & plantselection, green stormwater infrastructure, and tactics for communicating conservation efforts todiverse audiences. Superintendents from diverse geographic regions share their experiences &perspectives for meaningful discussion.
Speaker: Rebecca Grubbs-Bowling, Ph.D.
2 hour Seminar
Education is the cornerstone of the 2025 GCSAA Conference. As the largest education conference in the industry, you’ll be sponsoring in-person education in San Diego, California, with a lineup featuring seminars, Power Hours and multiple tracks of specialized education.
Recognition Elements:
• Conference website. “Presented in partnership with COMPANY NAME" recognition on seminar description page
• Logo included on digital signage placed at the end of each education hall.
• Listing of all seminar education sponsors on website.
• Logo on walk-in slide of power-point presentation in meeting room.
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