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Kids Korral
Your brand will gain heightened visibility and recognition as the sponsor of this family-friendly space. CattleCon24 families will greatly appreciate the Kids Korral, which offers a supervised environment for kids to enjoy while parents explore the trade show floor. Your sponsorship provides parents with peace of mind, knowing their children are safe and well-cared for.
The Kids Korral is not just a play area—it's an inspiring space where kids can learn about the cattle industry and agriculture in a fun and interactive way. As the sponsor, your brand will be associated with educational experiences that leave a positive impression on young minds.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained on this photo. However, no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect to this photo. If the location of building columns, utilities or other architectural components of the facility is a consideration in the construction or usage of a graphic element it is the sole responsibility of the client to physically inspect the facility to verify all dimensions and locations. It is the responsibility of the client to get written permission from the Center for any public concourse space to be utilized for sponsorships or advertising.